jueves, 28 de mayo de 2020

Entry 4: Speech Acts

The following video is about "Speech Acts" developed by a British Linguist called J.L. Austin. He divides the Speech Acts into two different groups: Constatives and Performatives. As to Constatives (what "is"), they refer to words or sentences that describe something true or false. In contrast,  Performatives (what "do") include words or sentences that denote an action.  There are certain words in those actions or "speech acts" (ordering, promising, warning, sentencing, apologizing) whose source is a proper authority (authoritative), the message must be clear or understood, and be able to be executed. However it doesn't mean they are going to be followed; that will depend on the context and reception, also known as "felicity conditions". 

If you are interested to know more about J. L. Austin, please click HERE

Now I want to share with you a short multiple choice activity about Speech Acts: "THINK"

1) Which is not one of the parts of speech defined by Austin?
A. Constatives
B. Formatives
C. Performatives
D. None of the above

2) If the headline reads, "Heatwave", but the sky is cloudy and it feels cold outside, what best describes the headline?
A. It is a performative
B. The printers accidentaly printed yesterday's headline
C. It is a false constative
D. It is a grammar error

3) What is a Speech Act?
A. When people talk about what they are doing
B. When words are actions
C. A presentation that incites action
D.The constitutional amendment that allows for freedom of speech

4)Which felicity condition best describe a successful performative?
A. Authoratative
B. Understood
C. Clear
D. Able to be executed
E. All of the above

5) Just because a performative meets the felicity conditions and is clearly stated, it doesn't mean it's implicity followed.
A. True
B. False


Metacognitive analysis:

    At another time in my life, the concept of the Speech Act was obviously unknown to me, yet it is heard, read and innately implemented on a daily basis. That is why the notion developed by J. L. Austin is very interesting to me and I must admit that it catches my attention because it makes me reflect on the purpose and idea of ​​sending a message.
     Likewise, words have a "why" and a "what for" that many times we have no notion of them. On this occasion, learning this topic was very productive and useful for me because it allows me to recognize what is performative and constantive, although on several occasions it is somewhat difficult for me to differentiate them.
     In addition, I realize that nowadays it is reported with false statements also with a defined purpose and at the convenience of a few. This type of knowledge helps us to build our own critical thinking without falling into manipulation and being persuaded with interests that do not benefit, allowing us to rethink and analyze whether the message is true or false.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Entry 3: How to cite correctly

Teacher Tutor Education, teacher, hand, cartoon, fictional ...

There are several ways to cite a source (MLA, Turabian, Chicago). Here you have APA Citation Style.

Author(s). (Date). Title of Book/ "Title of Article"/ Title of Periodical/ Volume. Pages. Place of Publication. Publisher. 

Journal or Magazine Article

  • Wilcox, R. V. (1991). "Shifting roles and synthetic women in Star Trek: The Next Generation". Studies in Popular Culture, 13 (2), 53-65
  • The teacher's magazine. April 2014. Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Grupo Adiba.

Journal or Magazine Article
  • Dubeck, L. (1990). "Science fiction aids science teaching." Physics Teacher, 28, 316-318.

Newspaper Article
  • Di Rado, A. ( 1995, March 15). "Trekking through college: Classes explore modern society using the world of Star Trek." Los Angeles Times, p. A3.
  • Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). "Obesity affects economic social status". The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4.

Article from an Internet Database
  • Mershon, D. H. (1998, November- December). "Star Trek on the brain:Alien minds, human minds". American Scientist, 86, 585. Retrieved July 29, 1999, from Expanded Academic ASAP database.

  • Okuda, M., &; Okuda, D. (1993). Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future. New York: Book Pocket Books.
  • Dunne, B., &; Newton, R.(2019). "Go Up! 3 Student's Book". 1ra ed. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos aires: Santillana.

Article or Chapter
  • James, N. E. (1988). "Two Sides of Paradise: The Eden Myth according to Kirk and Spock," in D. Palumbo (Ed.), Spectrum of the fantastic (pp. 219-223). Westport, CT: Greenwood.

Encyclopedia Article
  • Sturgeon, T. (1995). Science foction, in The Encyclopedia Americana (Vol. 24, pp. 390-392). Danbury, CT: Grolier.
  • White, P.D. (1998). Heart. In the Encyclopedia Americana. (Vol. 14, pp. 1-5). Danbury, CT: Grolier.

  • Lynch, T. (1996). DS9 trials and tribble-ations review. Retrieved from Psi Phi: Bradley's Science Fiction Club. Last visited: May 15th, 2020. Available at:
http://www.bradley.edu/campusorg/psiphi/DS9/ep 503 r.html

  • English Language Teaching. 2019. Oxford University Press. from:  https://elt.oup.com/?cc=global&selLanguage=en

  • Arrange the items on your reference list alphabetically by author, interfiling books, articles, etc.
  • Use only the intitials of the author's first (and middle) names.
  • If no author is given, start with the title and then the date.
  • Magazine articles: include the month (and day) as shown under Newspapers.
  • Websites: if the date the page was created is not given, use (n.d).

Entry 2: Advice on Academic Writing

From the University of Toronto

      Writing is not an easy task, it requires a lot of reading, time and dedication. Here I uploaded a presentation where it advices us what are the steps to take into account to write a good essay.

    I think the Powerpoint presentation is a very value tool to learn and improve how to write a good essay. It seems to be easy of implementing all the knowledge together when I read the steps to be followed. However, I aware that putting these items at the same time need a lot of study and mainly effort.
    Writing an essay requires organizing what I want to write - from de most relevant to the less one - and sometimes I am confused at the moment of writing something because I want to say many things simultaneously, and I do not where I must start. I have to learn a lot and this information is really good for me.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Entry 1: Introduction

My name is Gisela, maybe you know me or maybe you do not. For this reason, I appear before you so that you can know some aspects of my life since we do not have the opportunity to meet personally. Here I will tell you who I live with, what is the song that represents me and what are some of the things I like to do.

To start I want to tell you that I have two children but I only live with my son Santiago since my daughter Daiana this year managed to become independent. She is 24 years old and Santiago is 15 years old. My children are the most precious thing that life gave me and I really enjoy being with them. We have very nice moments, for example almost every Friday we cover an artist or song that we like; we share the music to express how we feel at certain times. Santi plays the guitar, Dai does the choirs and I sing. Fortunately, my children adopted music to express feelings that are difficult to say with words.

One of the songs that I usually sing very often is "Chokin’  kind" performed by Joss Stone. It is a song that at one point in my life identified me and gave me strength to change my course despite adversities. This song is about relationships in all aspects of life that are sweet but stifling. Relationships that suffocate and do not let you progress neither as a person nor as a professional. Personally, the stanza that I sing with a lot of feeling is "... i gave you my heart, but you wanted my mind ..". Sometimes people focus on dominating or taking possession of others without realizing that the most important thing one can receive is love. Unfortunately there is no official video that is attractive and commercial to viewers but I could not elude this song.

 About 5 years ago, I used to sing in a band and they- my children- in addition to saying they were my number one fans, enjoyed rehearsals with me. I confess that I am embarrassed to sing but my personality, which shows the opposite, makes that detail not noticeable.

I am finally in the final stretch of this beautiful career and it was not easy for me. I had many ups and downs but I overcame them in part thanks to the people I met along the way. Although I tell you some characteristics of my personal life, I know that it is not enough but I also admit that I am very reserved and only in this way I could tell something about me.

I share the lyrics of the song followed by the video. Hope you like it!

The Chokin' Kind
Joss Stone

I only meant to love you

Didn't you know it babe
Didn't you know it
Why couldn't you be content
With the love I gave
I gave you my heart
But you wanted my mind,
Your love scares me to death, boy
Oh it's the chokin kind
That's all it is

So you can kill a girl

With a bottle of poison or a knife
I know you can
But it'll hurt her more to take her pride
And ruin her life
 it's a shame boy
Whatever it is boy
I surely hope you find,
I tell you that hat don't fit my head
It's the chokin kind

It makes me wanna mmm

When you fall in love again boy
Take a tip from me
If you don't like the peach, so walk on by the tree
That's what you better do, honey
When you find what you want boy
Keep it, treat it, sweet and kind,
Let it breathe, don't make it the chokin kind
Oh no, don't break my heart baby
 I know you love me truely truely,
 really I do honey
But your love scares me to death boy
yes it does
It's the chokin kind
That's all it is, that's all it is

Lyric sourcehttps://www.letras.com/joss-stone/85758/
Video source: https://www.youtube.com/

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Entry 0: Welcome!

Hello everyone. Welcome to my blog Improving my language. Here you will find videos, photos and piece of writings of my own. Ready, steady, go!
 I hope you enjoy it.
"Man has two gifts:words to give sound to thoughts, and writing to give thoughts meaning forever."
Gianfranco Iovino